The annual Costume Coffee House is quickly approaching as students search and brainstorm about the best costume ideas.
Many worry that with a low budget, costumes can be difficult to come by, but others are pulling from their wardrobe and using creativity to make the most of what they have.
“I am going to dress up as Pepper Potts by using a dress I already have and heels I already have, so I am saving money that way,” said Anna Beard, junior advertising major.
“Then I am going to create her badge on the computer and put it in a lanyard, so that may end up costing me a dollar or two.”
Mabry Gardner, junior social work major, has a similar approach.
“Since I am going as sharknado for halloween, my goal is to use as much clothing from my room as possible. So gray sweatpants and a gray sweatshirt, but I need to find “tornado parts,” like gauze or pillow fluff.”
Costume coffee house is a giant costume contest for all students, held in the Bowld Student Commons.
The event has included snacks, karaoke and hay rides around campus in the past.
Although some students choose to pull items of clothing from their closets for costumes, others may pull from various resources.
“One time somebody made a “Transformers” costume from boxes of Coke,” said Bridgette Steiner, sophomore engineering major. “They called him ‘Optimus Pint.’”
Kristen Miller, senior business management major, recounted a story of a friend making a Pac-man costume from two hula hoops that sat on top of the person’s shoulders, covered in yellow wrapping paper.
“Alien trash bag costumes are really good when it comes to financial management, because you can get a black trash bag and stuff it with pillows, and it is especially good for those cold Halloween nights,” said Anna Frederick, senior elementary education major.
“Pipe cleaners are cost effective as well for antennas, and you could probably dress 10 people for 10 bucks.”
Another popular choice of dress this year is a rendition of the popular TLC show, “Toddlers and Tiaras.”
With a simple handmade sash and tiara, a quick transformation from college student to “ultimate grand supreme” is an easy solution to not spending money.
In the past, Costume Coffee House has awarded winning costumes for singles, couples and groups.
Creativity comes to a peak on campus as students show off what they can make with very little to no money.