Disaster provides employment
Jake Whitlatch, freshman biology major, graduated from Jonesboro (Ark.) High School without ever having a job. His first job? Working for a company in the Gulf of Mexico to help clean the oil spill. […]
Jake Whitlatch, freshman biology major, graduated from Jonesboro (Ark.) High School without ever having a job. His first job? Working for a company in the Gulf of Mexico to help clean the oil spill. […]
President Barack Obama presented his new infrastructure plan Sept. 8 in hopes of an economic boost to a crowd at Cuyohoga Community College in a suburb of Cleveland after John Boehner, R–Ohio, presented the Republican Party’s priorities. […]
People come in all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds, histories and talents. For some Union students, their choice in musical instruments is as distinctive as they are. For Christian Wallen, junior chemistry major, a passion for the bagpipes is as ingrained in his personal history as the instrument is in Scotland. […]
When walking on campus one might think they are seeing double, but do not worry. It may just be one of the eight new sets of twins enrolled this semester. One set of freshmen twins is Rob Griffith, freshman English and music double major, and his brother, Jay Griffith, English and political science double major. They decided on attending Union separately but now room together with two other men from their hometown of Nashville. […]
Early in the morning on March 25, the unthinkable happened: A Hospital Wing medical transport helicopter crashed en route to its base in Brownsville, Tenn., killing its pilot and two flight nurses. Misty Brogdon was one of those nurses killed in the crash. Brogdon’s friends and family members founded the Misty Brogdon Memorial Scholarship to honor her. […]
The enthusiastic beats of the drum-line at Union University home soccer games ring out almost twice as loud this year as in the past, because of the addition of new students to its ranks. The drum-line, which was created in 2006, is a group students that beat rhythms on plastic buckets to cheer on soccer players. […]
This year, Union’s Department of Chemistry was one of approximately 30 SMACS chapters in the nation to receive an Outstanding Award. The award marks the 12th consecutive year Union’s chapter has received an outstanding ranking. Throughout the summer, six chemistry students clocked 40 hour works weeks and checked projects on nights and weekends. […]
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