PC repair service offers low-cost help on campus
Slow or virus-infected computers can be frustrating and expensive, but one campus organization offers low-cost solutions to students. […]
Slow or virus-infected computers can be frustrating and expensive, but one campus organization offers low-cost solutions to students. […]
Union’s search for a new volleyball head coach ended April 18 when the university announced Christy Mooberry will take over the reins of the Lady Bulldogs volleyball team. […]
Clark and Juanita Shaw, owners of Brooks Shaw’s Old Country Store in Jackson, are preparing to open the newly renovated and relocated Neil House is for hosting its first event in May. The Shaws relocated the home in Casey Jones Village, where it will be a venue for parties, weddings and engagement dinners. The 173 year-old home, formerly located in Trenton, belonged to chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court Judge M.M. Neil. […]
The Bulldogs baseball team knocked off Blue Mountain College 2–1 Thursday to complete an undefeated TranSouth Conference Tournament run and claim their second straight tournament title. Benjie Fesmire, junior business administration major, earned the win, and Danny Grimm, senior political science major, brought home the winning run with a base-loaded walk. The Bulldogs will kick off national tournament play May 10.
The Bulldogs baseball team knocked off Blue Mountain College 2–1 Thursday to complete an undefeated TranSouth Conference Tournament run and claim their second straight tournament title. Benjie Fesmire, junior business administration major, earned the win, and Danny Grimm, senior political science major, brought home the winning run with a base-loaded walk. The Bulldogs will kick off national tournament play May 10.
Brent Fronabarger, Bulldogs head baseball coach, said the season is particularly busy because of organizing students’ schedules for practices. Accommodating students’ schedules is far from an easy challenge, and Fronabarger said the team will frequently practice in groups according to their positions before or after group practices. Every day, Fronabarger also takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour developing a practice schedule for his team. […]
Jackson’s recycling day was held on April 28 at the Jackson Fairgrounds Park. The event had stations to drop off prescription pills, electronics, paper and oil based paints.
City Councilman Ernest Brooks Jr. and the City of Jackson’s Health and Sanitation Department along with Union and other local organizations sponsored the third annual “e-cycle” event. […]
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