Danny Grimm, senior political science major, prepares to swing Thursday during the TranSouth Conference Tournament championship game. The Bulldogs defeated Blue Mountain College 2–1. | Photo by Alex Brown
Danny Grimm, senior political science major, leads off first base after a single during the TranSouth Conference Tournament championship game Thursday. The Bulldogs defeated Blue Mountain College 2–1. | Photo by Alex Brown
Fans fill the seats at Fesmire Field Thursday during the TranSouth Conference Tournament championship game. The Bulldogs defeated Blue Mountain College 2–1. | Photo by Alex Brown
Media personnel take in the action Thursday from the Fesmire Field press box during the TranSouth Conference Tournament championship game. The Bulldogs defeated Blue Mountain College 2–1. | Photo by Alex Brown
Benjie Fesmire, junior business administration major, delivers a pitch Thursday during the TranSouth Conference Tournament championship game. The Bulldogs defeated Blue Mountain College 2–1. | Photo by Alex Brown
The Cardinal & Cream is a student publication of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. Our staff ranges from freshmen to seniors and includes a variety of majors — including journalism, public relations, advertising, marketing, digital media studies, graphic design and art majors.