By Zach Palermo
Staff Writer

Bulldog Olympics, hosted by the SGA senior council
The event took place on the Great Lawn.
Bubba Gum was a competition to see which team could blow a bubble with bubble gum the fastest; For Dizzy B, competitors spun five times while holding a baseball bat to their heads and then tried to run down the Great Lawn and back.
Sophomore Council placed second, and Junior Council placed third. Every team except for Kappa Delta won at least one event. Eight teams participated.
Senior mechanical engineering major Tom Drury, who played for the Goats and D-boys, explained the team’s name as a combination of the term for SAE pledges (goats) and a group of people who lived in the Dodd residence hall during their freshman year (D-boys).
“Competition was fierce,” Drury said. “We had to scrap and claw for everything we got … There was no room for error.”
Sophomore psychology major Kevin Morgan played for the sophomore council team.
“Yeah, I’m excited,” Morgan said beforehand. “Also, scared is a good word. I only found out a day ago so I haven’t had time to mentally prepare. You’ve got frats out here, you’ve got sororities … it’s going to be a free-for-all.”
ZTA won the Hula Hoop contest. Sophomore Council won Pass the Hoop, in which each team lined up hand-in-hand and passed a hula-hoop from one end of the team to the other.
ATO won Over-Under, which involved teams standing in a line and alternately passing a ball to each other over their heads and under their legs.
Junior Council won Egg Toss, where two people tossed an egg to each other and stepped back with each successful catch.
Freshman Council won Bag It, which had members of each team running toward a closed bag and eating one of several random items contained in the bag.
Swim involved competitors miming swimming across the field while holding cups full of water. Judges gave every team half of the maximum number of points because of confusion over the rules.
Chi Omega won Poplock & Drop It, which involved team members carrying an inflated balloon between their legs while walking to a chair at the end of the Great Lawn, at which time they would pop the balloon and dash back.
ZTA won Pyramid, in which members of each team made a human pyramid.
Junior Council won Dance-Off, where teams sent one member of their team forward to dance for 10 seconds and be judged by the seniors.
Junior history major Cara Snowden played for the Junior Council team. Snowden described the Bulldog Olympics as “in one word: success.”
“It was good to have a lot of the grades there and a lot of representations of different groups all playing the same games,” Snowden said.
Senior social work major and Senior Council President Anika Strand helped to oversee the event, which has been planned since the beginning of October.
She said the most difficult aspect of organizing the event was getting the word out.
“It’s just a good way to bring people together,” Strand said. “It doesn’t take a lot of athletic ability to compete.”