Think Pink Week, when Zeta Tau Alpha promotes its philanthropy project on Breast Cancer Education and Awareness, will take place through Oct. 5.
“Our main goal is to convey the message that early detection is key to survival and a greater quality of life,” said Amber Bohanan, junior nursing major and Zeta’s service co-chairperson. “We also strive to show support for those surviving breast cancer and to remember those who lost the fight against this disease.”
She added that in February 2004, the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation announced that Think Pink had become a registered trademark of Zeta with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
“Since then, the term has become the umbrella theme for all of our breast cancer education and awareness projects,” Bohanan said.
On Saturday, ZTA hosted a shrimp boil on the Great Lawn.
On Sunday, ZTA “pinked out” the campus by using creative ways to color the campus pink for the week and even planned to make Miller Tower appear pink by placing pink cellophane over the lights that shine onto the bell tower.
“On Wednesday we wear pink,” Bohanan said. “Zeta is asking students and faculty to wear pink October 2 in honor of those affected by breast cancer and to help promote education and awareness.”
On Thursday, ZTA is hosting a Think Pink open party from 9 p.m. to midnight at the Alpha Tau Omega house, while asking those who attend to bring spare change or a few dollars to donate at the door for Breast Cancer Awareness and Education.
On Saturday, ZTA is hosting a Think Pink 5K. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., and the 5K run/walk will start at 9 a.m.
The cost is $5 for students and $10 community members.
Zeta started Think Pink Week in 2004.
At the end of the week, all funds raised will be sent to the Breast Cancer Awareness and Education Foundation.
“This is going to be an awesome week with many events that raise money for breast cancer education and Awareness,” Bohanan said. “You will not want to miss out.”