On Sept. 27 the Student Activities Council hosted families for an exclusive showing of “Monsters University” in the Watters Quad for the annual movie on the lawn event.
Jared Dauenhauer, assistant director of student leadership and engagement, said nearly 1,000 students and their families attended the event.
He also said that up to 1,000 people have attended movie on the lawn in the past.
Shelby Nicholas, sophomore public relations major, said movie on the lawn is her favorite event of the semester and she especially enjoyed this year’s event.
“My parents came this year which was awesome,” Nicholas said. “They live in Chicago now so I think they enjoyed getting to quiet down for the weekend and watch an awesome and funny movie with me and my brother and sister.”
The Watters Quad filled quickly with parents, siblings and students.
SAC offered free popcorn, candy and soft drinks for all who attended.
Dauenhauer explained that every movie that is nominated for the event is voted on by the SAC members and after members vote, SAC’s “movie chairs” select the movie based on votes and the campus vibe.
“We do our best to select movies that everyone will enjoy,” Dauenhauer said. “Variety show is our biggest event and Homecoming follows close behind that, but movie on the lawn has always been a successful event for us.”