By Jill Miller
Staff Writer
The Student Government Association opened its March 6 Student Senate in Harvey Hall with an update of passed bills, including new power strips in Barefoots Joe, sweet tea now available in the Lexington Inn and new printers in the Bowld Commons.
Chelsea Meiss, sophomore intercultural studies major and Senate ambassador, announced the status of several resolutions and bills passed at previous meetings, such the proposed Internet boosters to improve Internet use in Greek housing.
They cannot be put in Greek houses by Union’s technology department, because they are private property.
The resolution for better lighting in the Penick Academic Complex, however, has been passed to Safety and Security for analysis.
Staff in that department will evaluate the building to see how such a change could be implemented. The resolution to put a projector in Bowld 215 has received administration approval and is waiting for funding.
SGA members passed a resolution to support the addition of a Pawprint-enabled computer and printer in the McAfee Commons. Students who live in the Heritage complex must walk to the Bowld Commons or the library to use Pawprint-enabled devices.
A resolution also was passed that states Union will uphold reservations made for various rooms made by students and will not cancel those reservations unless a compromise can be made.
A resolution to decrease poster sizes from the standard 11-inch by 17-inch page to a smaller 8.5-inch by 11-inch page failed. It was proposed on the idea that doing so would prevent crowding on campus bulletin boards.
Finally, a bill was passed to have Senate’s budget total read at the beginning of SGA meetings and to examine whether Senate could acquire more money to give to student organizations.