About 900 Union students, faculty and staff served at 49 different locations Tues., Nov. 4, as a part of Union’s 12th annual Campus and Community: A Day of Remembrance and Service.
Campus and Community Day was created to show appreciation to the community for aiding the campus after multiple tornados struck the campus in 2002, 2003 and 2008.
“It gives us the opportunity to say to the community, “Thank you,” said Matthew Marshall, director for service and diversity initiatives. “It also affords us yet another opportunity to tangibly embody the mission of University to serve church and society.”
Volunteers began the day at 8:30 a.m. with a special corporate worship service in the chapel. Teams were then released to serve in various projects in and around Jackson.
Cameron Smith, sophomore music major, along with 34 other volunteers, served at University School of Jackson.
Smith acted as the master of ceremonies while a small ensemble performed songs during the lunch hour for students in grades two through five.
“I loved how volunteering today gave me a chance to put smiles on the kids’ faces,” said Smith.
Smith and members of his team also added new mulch to the schools’ playground.
“I really enjoyed emceeing the small concert and the overall experience,” Smith said. “I was grateful to participate because if the community didn’t help us [Union] we wouldn’t have a school to go to.”
Melanie Taylor, ministry coordinator, said that this is a very important day for the university.
“Campus and Community Day has continued because Union recognizes that it cannot and should not exist without an abiding commitment to serving its neighbors,” Taylor said.
Most classes on campus were cancelled for the day, allowing students and faculty time to devote to community projects.

“We have so many to thank for their kind gifts to us, and we remember the countless families in Jackson and surrounding areas who have sent their children to our institution over the years,” Marshall said. “So, even if we didn’t have the history of the tornadoes in our past, we would still have reason to organize Campus and Community Day.”