Glenn, who was invited by Todd Brady, vice president of university ministries, chose one passage from Matthew 22 to speak from in chapel services Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Glenn discussed loving God, others and yourself.
“It says ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself,’” Glenn said. “You can’t love someone else perfectly until you learn to love yourself perfectly.”
On Wednesday, the focus of Glenn’s message was on loving God. He said it is imperative to serve God with your desires.
“Love God with your essence,” Glenn said. “It’s like a tube of toothpaste. If you squeeze it, toothpaste comes out. When the world squeezes you, what comes out?”
Glenn spoke Thursday about the importance of expectations and how to relate to God. Glenn said many people see Christianity as a “frequent-flyer system” where going to church, reading the Bible or giving money gives points. He said many want to put Jesus in a position where he is obligated to help.
“We want to know what we can do to put Jesus in a box,” Glenn said.
Glenn said Jesus does not need anyone; he wants them.
“It’s a lot more fun to be wanted,” Glenn said.
Taylor Worley, assistant vice president for university ministries, said Faith in Practice week began in the 1990s as Renewal Week under Brady’s leadership. He said the goal was to build a relationship with a speaker by allowing them to stay for three days.
“It allows them to get to know us better, and we get to know them better,” Worley said.
Worley said the speaker for Faith in Practice week is usually chosen by the university president, but since this was a year of transition, Brady invited the speaker.
“We have a relationship with Mike Glenn, and Brentwood has been an educational partner for a while,” Worley said. “He was an easy choice, and we’re glad to have him.”
Worley said the relationship-building aspect of the chapels brings many speakers back. Recent Faith in Practice speakers have included Jimmy Scroggins, pastor of First Baptist Church West Palm Beach and David Platt, the pastor of the Church at Brook Hills who was recently named president of the International Mission Board. Both of these speakers came three different years.