“Long after I’m gone, I want people to say that I was a person who loved Christ and loved people.”
Christian Al-Hagal is a freshman theater major from Martin, Tennessee. He said he believes that God puts a special gift inside of each person and that one must own up to what they have been called to do.
Since the age of two, Al-Hagal said he knew exactly what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.
“My mom talks about, whenever I was two years old, I would write stories and read books, even though I didn’t know how to do either of those things,” he said. “I would tell her to write down what I am saying, and I could draw them and perform them for her.”
Al-Hagal’s life goal is to become an actor, but he also enjoys singing, acting, dancing and screenplay writing. Although his dreams are very big, he believes dreams are meant to come true.
“I believe that dreams are meant to be achieved,” he said. “I don’t believe that there is such a thing as an unachievable goal, with hard work. The Lord has put our dreams inside of us, so with him, nothing can fail.”
Al-Hagal also has a passion for helping others. Although his dreams of acting are still a top priority, he also enjoys counseling. Knowing how people operate and why humans act a certain way intrigues him almost as much as being an artist.
“I would love to become a Christian counselor as well,” he said. “I considered double majoring in acting and psychology. It really fascinates me to know how people operate and why do we do some of the things we do as humans.”
Though he knows he has a lot of growing to do, he said he knows exactly what he wants in life. He wants his life to resemble some of his “Hollywood heroes.”
“Twenty years from now, if I were to see the ultimate goal, I would see Christian Al-Hagal with a beautiful wife and kids,” he said. “Seeing myself having a very successful career on television, film and Broadway. I believe in shooting for the stars, and I would want to impact the world such as Johnny Depp and Dustin Hoffman.”
Some of Al-Hagal’s work is featured in the Lifeway Christian bookstore. He is in several different episodes of the audio drama The Adventures in Odyssey. He plays caller #1 in “Inspiration Station” and a servant in “A Call to Something More.”