[/media-credit] Lauren Harris, senior music majorLauren Harris, a senior music education major and soprano, has been preparing for this day since she walked into Jennings Hall for the first time. She’s practiced. She’s been discouraged, and she’s been hopeful. She’s worked hard to be at this exact point. “My [senior] recital is the 24th of October,” Harris said, with excitement in her clear voice. “I had a piece of chocolate before my practice earlier. You’re not supposed to do that, but I just really needed some today.” Harris is singing songs in French, Italian, German and English. Her favorite of the songs she will sing is by John Carter, a late 20th century composer. “I already know all of the words, I just have to refine the sounds,” she said. “I’m still working on all of [the songs]. But, I’m pleased about where I am with it.” Chris Mathews, chair of the music department, has known Harris since she enrolled as a freshman. “I remember Lauren’s initial audition and over the years have had the privilege to watch her grow in her musical abilities and understanding,” Matthews said. Harris has been working on some of the music for her recital for years, and she said she is very excited to showcase it. “I’m ready for the people outside of the music department, who are involved in my life, to hear the music and understand what goes into this,” Harris said. “My family and friends have heard me talk about it for a while, but I’m ready for them to hear the final ‘product.’ ”
[/media-credit] Lauren Harris, a senior music education major, prepares for her senior recital. Photo by Victor Miller, staff photographer.One of those friends, Mary Jo Stinson, a junior education major, said she is excited for the chance to see Harris “have her moment to shine.” Harris said she will get to Jennings around 6 p.m. on the day of the recital to start preparing. “I just want to be able to get past my nerves and really be able to enjoy the recital. That’s when making music is the most fun,” Harris said. Mathews says if he could tell Harris one thing to calm her nerves it would be that “God has given you everything you need to honor Him through your work and your singing. Know that He loves you, as do all those waiting to listen to your recital. Rest in that assurance, and enjoy the moment.” Harris’s recital is October 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Hartley Music Hall in Jennings Hall.
Chelsea-Catherine Cobb is a Union University class of 2015 Public Relations and French major and Advertising Sales Manager and Staff Writer for the Cardinal and Cream. She loves her cat, a good pair of heels and a strong cup of coffee.