The exact date has not been set but Pindak, senior music education major, will spend the remainder of the fall semester preparing for her showcase.
She has decided on three different dates that she has selected so that as many people, especially her family, can attend. Her recital date will be assigned by the end of the semester.
For Pindak, the most important part of her show will be the people with whom she gets to share the experience: her family, close friends and professors.
“There is so much more about this than just me,” Pindak said. “I really want to share this with the people I love, and want them to share the love of music with me.”
Pindak will be performing for about an hour with a variety of songs in French, German, Italian and English. So far, she is planning on singing a song from Carmen, a French Opera about a gypsy, as well as a German song about a woman’s love.
The emotion is one thing that drew Pindak into perusing music.
“Music is a huge part of who I am,” Pindak said, “and it’s a good way to express myself. I am a feeler, an emotional person and it expresses things that words alone can’t. But, if you go too deep in the emotional aspect, you lose the music.”
For Pindak, music and performing is a balancing act.
While preparing for her recital she has been trying to gain a better grasp for the reasons behind each song, why they were written and what they are trying to say.
Pindak plans to graduate in fall 2015. She will spend her last semester student teaching, possibly abroad. She has not decided what she wants to do after graduation yet, possibly grand school, but it will definitely involve music.
“The Lord has gifted me in this way,” Pindak said. “I’m not an engineer, I am not going to be an English teacher, I need to be involved in music. I don’t want to go against myself.”