Rainy Rasmussen, senior nursing major, is a goalkeeper for the women’s soccer team and originally from Fairview, Tenn.
A quote that motivates Rasmussen comes from Walt Disney.
“Why worry? If you have done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.”
Rasmussen chose Union because it offered her everything she was looking for in a university.
“I wanted a small, Christian school that had a respected nursing program. I found all these things at Union,” Rasmussen said.
A fan of the Nashville Predators, Rasmussen’s favorite professional athlete is goalkeeper, Pekka Rinne.
“He is my favorite athlete because he plays a position I can relate to and he also plays one of my favorite sports,” said Rasmussen.
Rasmussen has been playing soccer for 13 years.
“I love playing soccer because I get to be a part of a team. I love the challenge of every game and working alongside my teammates to prepare for the challenge each game brings,” said Rasmussen.
Off the field, Rasmussen enjoys watching movies and spending time with her friends.
“This is my senior year so I am trying to enjoy it as much as I can. I have played soccer for over half of my life and in a couple months it will be time to move on and hopefully start my career as a nurse,” added Rasmussen.
Other plans for Rasmussen after graduation include traveling and at some point going back to school.
“I plan to start my career as a nurse in either the emergency room or pediatrics. After gaining some work experience in the hospital, I plan to further my education. I also want to travel to different places I have always wanted to go to and experience different cultures,” said Rasmussen.

Ben Hall, senior political science major, is a native of Jackson, Tenn. and has been running competitively for eight years and a member of the men’s cross country team for three.
Hall enjoys the road trips he has been a part of over the years. The comradery that exists between his teammates is also something he enjoys.
“I love running because it is a lifestyle. It is not one of those sports that are seasonal,” said Hall.
“To do well and excel you must put in work when no one else wants to, and often way earlier in the day than most students think about getting up for class. Running creates a companionship among other runners and allows for a lot of bonding in the running community,” Hall added.
Union was originally a last option for Hall when he was considering where to go to school, however he claims it has since been a blessing in every way.
“The best thing about being on a sports team at Union is the relationships I have made with my teammates. I love the family atmosphere our team possesses that I believe is unlike any other on campus,” said Hall.
“We laugh together, pray for each other, hangout and do life with one another. We understand that in order to achieve our goals we must support and uplift one another. Our team is closer than any team I have ever been on,” Hall added.
When he is not running, Hall enjoys grilling and hanging out with his friends and he also teaches first grade Bible study at Fellowship Bible Church.
After he graduates in May, Hall plans on attending law school.