David Dockery was unanimously elected Feb. 28 as president of Trinity International University in Deerfield, Ill.
Founded in 1897, Trinity consists of nearly 100 faculty and 3,000 students.
“We are overwhelmingly grateful to God for the invitation from the Trinity Board to serve the students, staff, faculty and various institutional constituencies in the days ahead,” Dockery said. “We are humbled by the confidence that the Board has communicated to us in this call to guide Trinity forward in the days and years to come.”
Robert Kleinschmidt, chairman of the TIU Board of Regents, said he is confident Dockery will be a great leader for Trinity.
“Dr. Dockery brings a great wealth of experience and knowledge about higher education from his years at Union University,” Kleinschmidt said.
Judy Brandish, co-chairwoman of the TIU presidential search committee, said Dockery has “demonstrated Christ-centered, excellent, effective and visionary leadership that we believe he will bring to Trinity.”
Dockery announced his intentions to transition from the role of president at Union in January 2013.
He will officially begin at Trinity June 1, the same day Samuel “Dub” Oliver, Dockery’s successor, begins as president at Union.
Dockery will serve as honorary chancellor at Union and provide ongoing help and counsel to the new administration. He will also be present at spring graduation on May 17.
However, after investing in Union for more than 18 years Dockery described how difficult it will be to leave.
“We love Union University and frankly cannot yet picture ourselves no longer at Union,” he said. “We have such special colleagues here, and the relationship with the students over nearly two decades has been meaningful and memorable beyond description. We will always take Union in our hearts, giving ongoing thanks to God for the amazing privilege that he provided for us to serve in this most special place.”
Though he acknowledged that Trinity will be a different experience than Union, Dockery expressed his excitement and his desire to follow the Lord faithfully in this new opportunity.
“I am excited about the global focus on the Trinity campus,” Dockery said. “I have always thought that I would conclude my work in a context similar to where it began, that being a campus with a focus on theological education. To able to be a part of the divinity school at this stage of my life seems like a good fit.”
Caleb Valentine, junior major and former Student Government Association president, said Dockery’s example of leadership has been extremely helpful and meaningful.
“Thanks to [Dockery’s] wisdom, this university is strong, stable and ready to be passed to another president,” Valentine said.