Union University’s Athletic Department has recently shown much support for the fight against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by participating in the ALS “Ice Bucket Challenge.”
“It started with our conference; the Gulf South Conference did a mascot challenge. So, Buster participated. We were challenged by Shorter University, and then after we did it, we challenged Valdosta State,” said Steven Aldridge, Union’s Sports Information Director.
Buster the Bulldog’s Ice Bucket Challenge Video:
“After Buster,” Aldridge added, “the challenge was passed to the men’s soccer team, then on to volleyball, women’s soccer, and eventually women’s cross country.”
Men’s Soccer Ice Bucket Challenge Video:
Women’s Volleyball Ice Bucket Challenge Video:
Women’s Soccer Ice Bucket Challenge Video:
The men’s and women’s soccer coaches were also challenged and participated as well.
Men’s and Women’s Soccer Coaches Ice Bucket Challenge Video:
Katie Woodruff, Associate Director of Athletics and Senior Woman Administrator, also took part in the challenge.
“I was challenged, personally, by the women’s soccer team. I wanted to do the challenge and make a donation, as well, so that it wasn’t just another video. They’ve raised more money and awareness in four weeks, when the challenge began, than a whole year’s worth of fund raising had previously,” said Woodruff.
“The challenge was also a good thing for the Athletic Department. It developed a sense of camaraderie on campus among the different athletics,” Woodruff added.
“We’ve all had fun with it, but I really think it does do a lot of good. We’ve donated, and it definitely raises awareness,” said Aldridge.
Beth Wilson, Professor of Social Work, has special ties to the fight against ALS. Her mother-in-law, Dolores Wilson, who was a career missionary with Overseas Missionary Fellowship, was a victim of ALS in 2003.
“I am so amazed by the outpouring of support for combating this horrible disease,” Wilson said.
“My mother-in-law was always alert and oriented, but lost the ability to talk over the last 2 months. One night before the very end she called my husband to say goodnight because she could control her voice for one of the last times. She was so good, brave, and selfless right to the end, one of the greatest examples of True Religion, so to see this kind of support in the fight against this disease means a great deal,” Wilson added.
Along with the links included, the Ice Bucket Challenge videos of the Union athletes and coaches and Buster’s video can also be found on the Union Athletics webpage at: http://uuathletics.com.