For most students, fall break is a time of relaxing, catching up on sleep, going home to spend time with family or putting off assignments, but it’s a completely different experience for student athletes.
The soccer, volleyball and cross country teams were all in action over the weekend. The cross-country team competed at Mississippi College while the volleyball and soccer teams were featured in home games.
“I had a fall break my freshman year because I was not on the soccer team and after walking on, I haven’t had one for three years, so I understand how nice it is to have one,” Josh Warren, senior business management major, said. “Getting out of the routine of waking up, going to classes, going to practice, going to games, may have affected our mentality a little. [During the break,] we would sleep until practice and then there would be an entirely different preparation for our games.” Warren said.
Some benefits of staying on campus for Warren were spending time with the team while not spending the money he would if he went elsewhere.
“Fall break always makes campus seem like a ghost town but hanging out as a team makes it feel a lot less lonely,” McKenna Carter, junior public relations major, said.
The volleyball team traveled to the Green Acres pumpkin patch after practice on Thursday, and then went to the assistant coach’s house to carve pumpkins and hang out.
“It was an awesome way to unwind and relax with the team and get our minds ready for our games over the weekend,” Carter said. “It was a great night and it helped get rid of the stress that had been building up from practices and games that didn’t end how we wanted them to.”
Despite the solitude of the campus atmosphere over the break, the Bulldogs were able to find ways to enjoy their time together and growing closer while continuing all the work and preparation they have made throughout the year.