Congratulations, you’ve made it! You’re in college. You have finally been introduced to your home away from home for the next four years. I’m guessing that you’ve already been bombarded with a ton of advice on what to do during your time here. You’ve probably been told to join a club, get a leadership position or make new friends everyday. While all of that is great, Union and Jackson both have some unique hidden gems that are guaranteed to make your college experience even better.
- Dine at your professor’s house
Every year Student Activities Council hosts an event where students can sign up to eat dinner at a professor’s home.
“It’s a great chance for students to better connect with their professors because it opens up opportunities for mentorships and spiritual guidance between students and their teachers outside of the usual classroom setting,” said Reeves Garrett, SAC president. It’s also a great opportunity to enjoy a free, home-cooked meal.
- Order a John Wayne from Barefoots Joe
Every coffee shop has their own version of the John Wayne, but Barefoots’ is among the best. With a base of cream, it’s topped off with a strong bit of espresso. Kick it back in one shot, and you’re sure to be ready for the long day ahead.
- Find out who Buster the Bulldog is
Some people have ideas, but the identity of Buster remains a mystery for most Unionites. Can you find out who he (or she) is? Maybe one day, it could be you.
- Stop by the Jackson Farmer’s Market
This is one of Jackson’s best weekend spots. With an array of fresh fruits, vegetables and even $1 sunflowers, the market is a great place to kick off Saturday mornings with your roommates. Hint: try the doughnuts.
- Find the H-hallway
Did you know the Penick Academic Complex has a second floor? With its saffron yellow carpet and stuffy blank walls, the H-hallway will make you think you’ve been transported to the 1970s.
- Eat the infamous strawberry cake from H.R. Dumplin’s
Jackson is known for a lot of things. However, local restaurants are not one of them. So when you find one here it is usually fantastic. Dumplin’s, neighboring Englewood Baptist Church, is an absolute gem. It has great southern food like chicken salad, rolls and quiche, but the strawberry cake is unrivaled.
- Make it out of a Jackson Escape Room
Jackson Escape Rooms, founded by Union’s own Jared and Allee Dauenhauer and Lee and Beth Wilson, make for a fantastic weekend outing with friends. The object is to use clues to find your way out of a locked room. Located at 217 E Deaderick St., Jackson Escape Rooms are open Thursday through Saturday.
- Volunteer at ComeUnity Café
This local restaurant approaches food in a new way. With locally-sourced and homegrown ingredients, the menu changes every day and has a pay-what-you-can system. In exchange for an hour of volunteer work, patrons can get a free meal. Grab a group of friends or bring your organization downtown to serve the community. The people you meet there are sure to brighten your day.
- Get plugged in to a church
Jackson has countless great churches. At first it might be hard to find one that you want to stick with, but once you do, get involved.
“Being a part of a church family has made my Union experience all the more valuable,” said Breanna Benefield, who attends and volunteers at Christ Community Church.
- Get on the top of Miller Tower
Last but certainly not least, make your way to the top of our beloved Miller Tower. It’s the crème de la crème of the Union experience. I’ll leave it up to you to find out how to get up there, just make sure you do it legally.
Please do not going into the H-hallway. It is were all the painting and drawing classes are held. Also the door can lock behind you so take an art major friend with you if you really do want to see it.