After traveling almost 13 hours from Melbourne, Florida to Jackson, Tennessee, Susie Fox, freshman accounting major, is loving her first year at Union.
One reason she chose Union is because her older brother and some of her friends attend. She hopes that her younger sister will join her as well.
“I visited [Union] and I just loved it,” Fox said.
Fox is an accounting major and a Spanish minor. She said she has always had an interest in math

and both of her grandfathers were accountants.
“It runs in the family,” Fox said.
For the Florida native, Tennessee winters were hard to get through, but she loves the weather now that it is warming up. Fox said it is sad the way that she handles the cold.
“[During the winter,] I look at pictures of the beach on my phone,” she laughs.
When asked if she had any advice for other Unionites, she said to not be afraid to go out and meet people and introduce yourself. She also said it is a lot easier to know more people and to have more friends if you are willing to go out and meet them.
One thing Fox loves about Union is the sense of community.
“We have a very loving community. The majority of people show the love of Christ,” Fox said.
One way Fox sees community at work is at Barefoots Joe, where the self-proclaimed coffee addict spends much of her free time.
“I love Barefoots because there are people there and there is coffee and you can study if you want,” Fox said.
Fox does not get much free time, but when she does get it, she is drinking coffee, sleeping and going to hang out with friends around campus.