Go! It’s what Jesus commanded Christians to do.
Here at Union, everybody has the opportunity to get involved with GO trips, a chance to spread the gospel to America and across the world. Tuesday evening, a group of students gathered on the Bowld patio to reflect on three GO trips from this past summer — one in New York City and two in Central Asia. Each student gave up their summer in order to reach people, build relationships and spread the gospel.
Art and gifts from across the world decorated the tables, as well as flags of the countries they visited and authentic foods from those countries. The students seemed eager to reinvent the cultures they had visited in this small way.
The enthusiasm was tangible. Each student shared how they grew in self-awareness, knowledge of Christ and expressed a newfound love and passion for the gospel. There were genuine smiles on these faces, faces of people who love our God and love people. Each student has a unique story to share and experiences they will remember forever. A diverse group attended the event: sporty, artsy, hipster, homeschooled and everything in between. There is one bond that unifies them: the command to GO and share the gospel.
Tre Tharpe, a junior at Union who traveled to New York City, helped church plants and found new friends. For Tharpe, a good way of meeting new people is by doing something he enjoys: playing basketball. He had the opportunity to help with a basketball clinic and met several new people. The world’s need for a savior became more evident and more real to him.
“You learn how to listen,” he said. “You realize the reality of being a light in a dark place.”
Going into a new culture is intimidating. For some people, venturing into American culture is intimidating. Jesus did not command us to be comfortable, he commanded us to love one another and to tell everyone about him. These missionaries from Union are a good example to all students of how that looks when it’s lived out. You don’t have to have any special skills, be an outgoing person or have experience. God’s strength and power are made perfect in weaknesses; he will use you if you let him.
Should you get involved? September is Global Focus Month at Union, so it’s a good time to be thinking about it. Pray and listen to God’s direction. Every student that has gone on one of these trips would recommend it to anyone. For more information, visit uu.edu/events/go.
“Every day matters,” said senior Melissa Hardman. “God uses GO trips to shape you. Life goes on in other countries just like it does here.”
The question is, what are you going to do with the days God has given you?