Casi Neff

Bigger isn’t necessarily better. At least that is certainly not the case when it came to choosing the right place to attend college for Casi Neff, freshman middle blocker for the volleyball team.
Originally from Jamestown, Indiana, population 945, Neff said living in Jackson makes her feel like she’s in the city. However, she has found comfort and community inside the sanctum of the Union campus.
“I really like that Union is a smaller school with a Christian emphasis,” she said. “And I like the fact that I can take classes that strengthens my faith.”
Currently, Neff has not declared a major, although she is leaning toward biology and exploring a career in medical engineering with ambitions of becoming an MRI technician.
Her hobbies include photography, graphic design and crafting. One of her most recent creations is a monogrammed flower made on a burlap canvas, proudly displayed on the front door of her dorm.
Neff said she enjoys being a part of a team and getting to know people, particularly her fellow teammates and classmates. She said the very essence of her interest is to be a woman of Christ.
“I want to be that connection for people who don’t know Christ,” she said. “A woman who is strong in faith.”
Serigne Mboup

Although more than 5000 miles away from home, Serigne Mboup, forward for the men’s basketball team, said that everyday he strives to become more like his father.
“I like the way he handles people and situations,” he said. “He gets other people involved to the point that everybody he works with likes to see him as their leader. They like his energy.”
Born in Dekar, Senegal, Mboup is a graduate student studying to earn a master’s degree in business administration. After graduating from SEEDS Academy in Thies, Senegal, Mboup came to the U.S. in 2012 to continue his education at New Mexico Military Institute where he received an associate’s degree in arts. He later attended Austin Peay State University and received a bachelor’s degree in accounting before transferring to Union to play his last year of NCAA eligibility.
Mboup said he made the right decision choosing Union.
“I want to be in a calm environment without a lot of distractions,” he said.
Standing 6 foot 8 inches tall, his presence commands attention, but his words are soft and few, a characteristic mentioned often by his friends. Before graduating, Mboup hopes to secure an internship in the accounting field to narrow down his career path. However, right now he’s focused on working hard and being a good student and athlete.
In his free time, Mboup enjoys watching sports and playing video games.