Jon Sain

Sain, a freshman business management major and member of the men’s golf team, was drawn to Union because it was close to his hometown of Bolivar, Tennessee, and because of Union’s Christ-centered emphasis.
“I’ve always wanted to play golf, so being in this environment has been great,” Sain said. “[Being here] has challenged me – it is a lot harder playing collegiate golf because we play harder courses. You have to adjust. But I like the challenge.”
After college, Sain hopes to pursue a career in banking and said he looks forward to beginning his upper-level business courses. When Sain isn’t playing golf, he said he spends his free time either studying, sleeping or reading.
Sain is involved in the Student Athletic Advisory Council, where he said he enjoys being a leader for his teammates.
His advice for other Union students is to “really set your priorities and make sure you knock them out in order before you start having free time.”
Charlstyn Beard
Charlstyn Beard began playing golf with her father when she was six years old and has been competing

Beard, a freshman nursing major, is a member the women’s golf team at Union. Originally from Benton, Kentucky, Beard was recruited after Andy Rushing, head coach of the women’s golf team, watched her play the final round of the high school state tournament.
“My favorite thing about being on the golf team has been building relationships with everyone,” Beard said. “We’re all so different but we connect so well.”
Beard said that after nursing school, she hopes to get her midwife certification in a program in Ashland, Kentucky.
“I had always wanted to be a doctor and I knew I wanted to do something in the medical field,” Beard said, “but just recently I realized I wanted to be a midwife. I know it’ll be challenging, but it’ll be fun to see because that’s the most incredible thing God does – make life from nothing.”
Beard said she rarely has free time but enjoys the fast-paced schedule of college. When she does have free time, she said she enjoys watching Netflix.
Beard said that over the next three years at Union, she looks forward to growing, making more friends and viewing Union as her “home away from home.”
“I really enjoy being here and becoming my own person here,” Beard said.
Beard’s advice to other Union students is to never give up, because one class “doesn’t define whether you’re going to be successful or not.”