I know that it’s Monday, but today I want to take you to church. Not just any church—I want to take you to the black church.
For most of my life, I have been a part of the black church. There, embodied in the experience, is the dynamism of the preaching, the expression of worship and the soul of the music we call gospel.
So much history is contained and intertwined in its harmonies. It’s often written and subsequently sung through times of trepidation. At its roots, gospel music is euphoric, rhythmic and powerful.
The power of gospel music lies as much in the authenticity of the singer as much as it does in the power of the lyrics. There is a certain sobriety and realness that exudes from the best gospel singers. They’ve experienced trials and tribulations. Their pain travels through your speakers, resonates with your soul and speaks to your situation. Their lyrics cause your arms to raise, your hands to clap and tears to roll down your face.
That is how gospel music is supposed to make you feel. At its best, gospel music is emotional, authentic and freeing. Gospel music is a reflection of black culture. Gospel singers connect with their audience in a profoundly personal and spiritual way.
Sometimes you need music that will lift your spirit, ease your troubled mind and transcend you to the audience of the King of kings. And for that, Beyoncé just won’t do.
So I’ve created a list of gospel songs that will “Take You to The King,” declare “War” on the enemy and remind you that you are “Blessed.”
Awesome and very well written. Thank you!