“We have an Amber Alert,” said Lacie Fink, junior accounting major, at the start of the third Student Senate meeting. “The foundation stone is gone. If you have it we’d like it back.”
The inquiry about the foundation stone lead into the March 11 senate, which involved seven resolutions getting looked over. Students were upset the stone was missing and were legitimately concerned.
“I’m very upset that it’s gone,” said Emma Kurt, SGA vice-president and sophomore biology major. “I had no idea, I just thought it had been moved.”
Before the debate started, Fink went over the two resolutions that were passed last week, and said that the school administration is making headway on the projects.
Trey Gerrell, a junior Christian thought and tradition major, proposed a resolution called, “For the Love of Honey Mustard.” The idea is to get the different condiments that the Lexington Inn has put into Brewer Dinning Hall so students can use them in both locations.
Enactus proposed a resolution asking for the allocation of $200 for the trip the group will take to Nashville, Tennessee, for their national competition.
Freshman Council proposed a resolution that wanted to add more benches and picnic tables to the Heritage area. The resolution was proposed by Ryan Sinni, a freshman English major. Sinni said that the idea is to promote community among freshman by providing more places for people to sit around and talk.
The bill was hotly contested by several as to whether extra seating are actually needed, though the bill was eventually passed once other organizations came to the defense of the resolution.
Two resolutions were proposed by Jesse Dahms, junior psychology and business management major. The first resolution was to give $200 to the club frisbee team, Union Jaxx for team practice equipment. The idea is for the club to use the money to help buy 100 new disks, some of which will be used by the team for practice, others will be sold for a fundraiser.
The second resolution Dahms proposed was about extending the hours of operation of the Wellness center on Sundays. Since the Wellness Center is only open for two hours on Sunday, it gets crowded, so Dahms said extending it even just one hour would help ease that crowdedness. Both of the resolutions were passed.
Student members of the American Chemical Society proposed a resolution asking for the allocation of $200 to help support a concert the group is hosting. The concert is meant to benefit Area Relief Ministries and will have Joshua Powell headlining.
Angelica Shipps, sophomore public relations major, proposed a resolution asking for $200 for a trip to Nashville the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter is going to take to help lower the cost for participants. The resolution was passed.
After all of the legislation Benton Hurt, sophomore biology major and treasurer of Senate announced that there were $1195 left in the Senate budget for the semester.
“Keep writing those bills, but let’s try to spend responsibly,” said Hurt.
“Its really exciting when people get passionate about their bills and it all comes together and people actually care about what’s going on,” said Kaylee Gibson, sophomore public relations major and PR Coordinator for SGA. Gibson was enthusiastic about the seven resolutions getting passed was excited about what would come in the future for Senate.
The next Senate meeting will be held March 25, where Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver, president of Union University, will be attending.