As homecoming weekend drew to a close, the Union community gathered to celebrate homecoming court. The court is traditionally composed of Mr. and Miss Union who are student leaders in senior standing and selected based on their academic achievements, campus leadership and community involvement. Those selected to serve on the court are viewed as role models for their peers and outstanding representatives of the student body.
This year’s Mr. and Miss Union are Jesse Dahms and Holly Johnson.

“I’m extremely honored to be named Mr. Union,” Dahms said. “However, I am just one of many hundred male students who could appropriately be named Mr. Union.”
Dahms is a senior business management and psychology double major from Palmer, Alaska and is the son of David and Laurie Dahms. After graduation, he plans a career in entrepreneurship or school counseling. While at Union, Dahms has served as the captain of the Union Jaxx Club Frisbee team, a Residence Life adviser and a University Relations ambassador. Dahms attends Cornerstone Community Church.
Johnson is a senior marketing and business management major from San Diego, California and is the daughter of Reuben and Pamela Johnson. After graduation, she plans to move to Atlanta where she has signed with an acting and modeling agency affiliated with Actors, Model and Talent for Christ. Since she has been at Union, Johnson has been actively involved in Zeta Tau Alpha, Enactus and the American Marketing Association. She currently serves as the president of the Student Government Association. She attends Englewood Baptist Church.
“It is truly an honor, and I am very humbled and grateful to receive the title of Miss Union,” Johnson said. “It’s awesome to know that my friends and peers think that highly of me. I am really excited to represent our school in this capacity.”
Representing the freshman class in this year’s homecoming court is Regina Vargas, a Christian ministry and missions major from Columbia, Tennessee. She is the daughter of Brandy Stone and Juve Vargas. Her brother, Juve, escorted her Saturday. Vargas plans a career as a full-time missionary.
Representing the sophomore class is Sarah Fickley. The biology major from Johnson City, Tennessee is the daughter of James and Karen Fickley. Fickley is a member of the cross-country team and serves as a local Young Life leader at Madison Academic High School. She attends City Fellowship Baptist Church.
Hannah Willis represented the junior class. Willis is an accounting major and economics minor from Franklin, Tennessee. She is the daughter of Wade and Suzanne Willis, who escorted her. She plans a career as an accountant. While at Union, she has served on the Student Government Association, junior council, Enactus, Women’s Cooperative, GO Trips and Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature. She has also assisted with the Union EDGE program. Willis attends Fellowship Bible Church.
The first senior representative is Abby Duke, public relations major and psychology minor. She is the daughter of Jeff Duke and is from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. She plans to pursue a career in public relations and comedy, writing for the both the television and film industry. While at Union, she has served as president of Kappa Delta, performed with the Blank Slate Improv Team and has written for the Cardinal & Cream. She is also a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America. She attends All Saints Church and her friend, Josh Stephans, escorted her.

Kelley Faulkner, physical education and health major, is another senior representative who was ultimately crowned Homecoming Queen. She is the daughter of Doug and Tara Faulkner. Her grandfather, Dean Clark, escorted her. Faulkner is from Greenville, Illinois. After graduation, she plans a career in education and coaching. Faulkner is involved in Zeta Tau Alpha, Junior Council, STEA, Women’s Cooperative and Sigma Delta. She also serves as a Welcome Week leader. Faulkner attends Northside United Methodist Church.
Lacie Fink is a senior accounting major from Mobile, Alabama and the daughter of Douglas and Peaches Fink. Fink plans to pursue a career as a Certified Public Accountant. While at Union, she has been involved in the Student Government Association as an executive and senior council member, Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature and the Honors Community. She also served as a Welcome Week leader. Fink attends Fellowship Bible Church. Her father escorted her.
Union’s final senior representative is Suzanne Fletcher. She is the daughter of Marc Fletcher and Karen Fletcher of Jackson. She will graduate in May with a degree and career pursuit in public relations and graphic design in the music industry. Fletcher is a member of Chi Omega, the Public Relations Student Society of America, the Student Government Association and the Cardinal & Cream. Fletcher attends West Jackson Baptist Church and was escorted by her father.