The “U Walk” with Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver, university president, is happening on Wednesday April 15 at noon, starting at the bell tower. The first 300 people to complete the walk receive a coupon for a Chick-fil-A salad. | Graphic by Suzanne Fletcher
On Wednesday, April 13, students, faculty and staff are invited to go on a walk led by Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver, Union University president, along the two-mile path throughout campus.
The “U Walk” will begin at noon starting at the bell tower.
The goal of the event is to promote fellowship and wellness among students, faculty and staff, as well as further awareness about the two-mile exercise trail that goes through campus.
The first 300 people to complete the walk will receive a coupon for a Chick-fil-A salad.
Suzanne Fletcher is a reporter for the Cardinal & Cream and intern for Rocketown, a music venue and indoor skate park in Nashville, Tennessee. She will graduate in May 2016 with a degree in public relations and English. Fletcher enjoys reading, concerts, traveling and involvement with the Student Government and Chi Omega Fraternity.