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The first major winter storm of the year hit Union with enough ice, sleet and snow to close campus for three days this week, leaving students to find creative ways to stay occupied and entertained. The dangerous road conditions kept students isolated on campus and the amount of ice accumulation limited outdoor play.
Chelsea Loomis, junior teaching English as a second language and Spanish major, said she barely left her room.
“My roommates and I watched movies, painted our nails and made breakfast everyday,” said Loomis. “We made pancakes (Tuesday) for National Pancake Day.”
Ben Pinkley, freshman chemistry major, said he has taken full advantage of the extra days to spend time with his friends.
“We have spent this frosty time fellowshipping with one another and seizing what fun we can,” said Pinkley. He and his friends have explored the Union woods, gone sledding and built a snowman. He said many stores are sold out of sleds.
“We used inflatable pool rafts and inner tubes,” Pinkley said. “We went down the biggest (hills) toboggan style, which resulted in much hilarity.”
Pinkley and his friends were not the only ones who enjoyed some sledding this week.
Scott Howard, senior business administration major, said he spent about 20 or 30 minutes sledding in the woods.
“I would have been there longer, but there isn’t that much snow. I’m used to seeing 6 inches to a few feet,” said Howard, who is from the Indianapolis area. Other than sledding, Howard helped de-ice some neighbors’ cars and spent a lot of time playing video games and watching movies with his roommates.
“It has been special for me because it has been the first real snow days I have ever had and the people I chose to spend it with are so superb,” said Pinkley.