The third meeting of senate for the semester was held in Harvey Auditorium Wednesday night. Benton Hurt, vice president of the student body and sophomore biology major, welcomed senators and called the meeting to order.
Christian Winter, chaplain and senior Christian studies major, read scripture and opened the meeting with a prayer. Next, Trey Gerrel, clerk and senior Christian thought and tradition major, called roll in the packed auditorium.
Nathan Van Neste, senate ambassador and sophomore political science major, announced that the bill to extend open dorm hours is currently being examined by the executive council and should be analyzed by the board of trustees in April.
Five out of the seven bills presented requested $200 for their organizations with only $1,650.00 remaining funds for the semester.
The Judo Club requested $200 for a trip to “Climb Nashville,” and the bill failed by an overwhelming majority.
The American Marketing Association passed a bill that will provide them with $200 in order for the club to “kickstart the process” of running their own fundraiser that they estimated to cost between $400 and $600, a banquet that will be available to all students.
A bill was passed to give $200 to the Rutledge Honorary History Society to allow them to host a guest speaker from Nashville at their department awards banquet.
Student members of the American Chemical Society who had already fundraised $900 were given $200 to help them reach their goal. The money will help fund band fees for the Catalyst Music Fest, a local music festival that donates part of its proceeds to Area Relief Ministries.
A bill passed, requesting that Union University graduates should be allowed to decorate their caps and wear them to graduation as long as the content is censored.
The Union Gardening club passed a bill giving them $200 for supplies in order to launch their club by planting seeds.
The last bill of the evening passed, asking Union to provide bike racks for the Heritage residence complication.
Senate then was called to recess, but then continued on with announcements, as organizations spoke to the senate body about upcoming events.