Union Senate met Wednesday, October 5 to discuss five pieces of legislation.
Ben Melton, senate chaplain, opened the meeting by reading Psalm 1, a Psalm that he said he often comes back to, setting the meeting in the context of walking in the ways of the wise.
David Taylor, the ambassador, told the senate body that the pool backboard was in good condition, according to certified professionals, and that it was safe to use. This means that the senate’s bill to replace the well-conditioned backboard will not take effect.
The treasurer informed the body that the senate has $1600 remaining.
The first resolution was requesting that the university install more security cameras in parking lots near the resident complexes. The bill was presented by Junior council member Nathan Van Neste and a member of Safety and Security. He assured the body that the cameras would not face any dorms in a manner that would compromise privacy. The new cameras would help prevent illegal activity including vandalism. The bill passed without debate, earning all votes but one.
The next bill dealt with the senate more directly, asking for the establishment of an online database for senate legislation, so senators can more easily check past legislation and craft more precise legislation. The resolution was presented by Matthew Grove, Sophomore council member. The bill passed.
Another bill asked for a credit card reader for the Logos, so students could more easily pay off dues or fees without having to use cash. The bill passed.
There were two funding bills. One was requesting $200 for fraternity Alpha Tau Omega, which plans to use the funds for a fundraiser called Hallo-Week. Some questions were raised because the conclusion of the bill included that the funds could be used to fund open parties, but the sponsors of the bill assured the body that the funds would not be used for anything but a fundraiser, and that all open parties come out of the fraternity’s independent budget. This fundraiser, paid for by ATO primarily, will raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The bill passed.
The other funding bill was for Biome’s backpacking trip, a trip open to all students, not just biology majors. The bill asked for $150 and it passed.
After these bills, the senate had $1250 remaining in budget.
The College Democrats were spotlighted in the senate body, announcing the organization’s arrival on campus and giving information about the organization.
Finally, the senate ended with the nomination of students for Mr. and Mrs. Union. Several candidates were chosen, and voting on the final results will be done by the whole student body.