It’s been a busy few weeks for Union University’s choral groups. The groups performed on tour during spring break, returned from break to immediately begin working with the choir in residence from the University of Limpopo and performed with the Jackson Symphony last week. Tonight, the busy schedule continues as Cantilena, Men’s Choir, University Singers and the Voices of Proclamation will perform at the Spring Choral Concert.
As this is both a performance, and in a sense, a final exam grade for the performers, the concert does not have a specific theme. Instead, the directors have chosen music that represents a breadth of composers, styles and time periods. Among them will be a piece written with the South African choir from Limpopo that incorporates the Xosa language and South African style of music.
There are around 70 students involved in the upcoming performance. The performers expect to see many family members and friends in the audience as well as many community members from the Jackson area who routinely attend performances.
“I’m in awe of how much I have learned,” freshman vocal performance major, Brooklyn Croom, said. “It’s amazing to go in thinking that you know all there is to know about choir and singing and to just have all of that broken and expanded. Also, I have grown to love everyone so much, and I hope to be able to continue to make music with these people for the rest of my time here!”
The concert will take place tonight in Jackson at First Baptist Church. The Cantilena will begin singing at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Men’s Choir. Then, there will be a short intermission before the University Singers and the Voices of Proclamation close the concert with a rousing spiritual.
“You have to end a concert with a spiritual,” professor of music and department chair, Chris Mathews, said. “I’ve tried ending without a spiritual before, and it just doesn’t work.”