Union will hold its 13th annual Scholarship Symposium on Tuesday, April 25, in the Grant Events Center. Students from various departments will attend and present their projects.
The purpose of this event is to spread scholarship produced by students who have collaboratively worked throughout the academic year on topical projects. Suzanne Barham, Academic Affairs and Accreditation Specialist & IRB Compliance Officer, will coordinate the symposium this year.
“May 3, 2004, was the first Scholarship Symposium,” Barham said. “The symposium has two components – a poster presentation and an oral presentation. The posters will be on display in the Grant Events Center between 12:30-2 p.m. The oral presentations are held in various locations around campus – most sessions begin at 1:40 or 2 p.m.”
The event will have 95 posters displaying the work of just over 200 students. Some of which did their work in a group so they will present together. There will also be a total of 75 oral presentations scheduled.
Barham said that although the symposium does not currently reward students for their presentations, it is something they are considering for the future.
A sophomore electrical engineering major, Nyla Gwan, will be presenting a few engineering projects and studies at the symposium. This will be her first time attending the event.
“For one of my projects, my group and I will be presenting a study on a solar water heater that will optimize efficiency and functionality for future designs. We tested these features by creating an analytical and numerical model,” Gwan said. “I’m expecting to gain practice on my public speaking and presentation skills but also to learn about other departments and see what topics they have learned and are passionate about.”
The event is open to all students, friends and family members.