The Blank Slate Improv team is putting on their yearly Halloween show Saturday night at 7:30 in the W.D. Powell theatre of the Penick Academic Complex. Admission is $3.00 at the door and seats fill quickly, so make sure you get there as soon as you can.
While the Halloween show has historically had some sort of theme to it, such as “Stranger Things” or “Harry Potter,” this year’s show will be a regular improv show. However, the team is still excited to get on stage and keep the audience entertained and laughing. This is also Co-captain Jonathan Bowman, senior biology major’s, last Halloween show.
“It’s hard to imagine life without Blank Slate; it’s been a part of my college experience since freshman year, and some of my closest friendships have developed from the team,” said Bowman. “It’s bittersweet, man. I’m happy to have learned a new skill and creative outlet, but at the same time it’s time for me to pass down what I’ve learned to others and then trust them to continue without me.”
The improv team has been through quite a few changes since last year including a new approach to how they conduct the shows and retaining members from the previous year’s team. This year, the team is implementing more long form improv as opposed to games. Long form improv typically has short scenes that are related through certain characters, themes, or stories. This has allowed the team to really stretch their creativity and find new, interesting ways to keep the audience engaged.
“This year we’ve done quite a bit of restructuring for the improv team, but I think the changes are for the better,” said Co-captain Korey Adams, junior Spanish and French double major. “This year’s team has grown a lot even since the last show, and I’m ready to show that to all of our supporters.”
Blank Slate Improv has been a high point of campus life at Union University and is always worth coming out to see. With many returning members, a new approach, and strong leadership, the team has made strides of improvement and will keep you laughing for as long as they’re on stage.
Photo courtesy of Gretchen Foels