Dear Girl Code,
As you know, many guys on Union’s campus are sort of the worst when it comes to asking girls out. What can a single girl do to get the attention of those cute, shy guys?
Hopelessly in Love with Wallflowers
Shy boys are the worst in my opinion because there’s always three possible outcomes:
- The boy quickly becomes too intimidated by you and scurries away,
- The boy tries to become your best friend and then assumes you two are a thing, even though he never clearly stated it
- The boy says he likes you and then never acts upon it.
A small percentage of the time the shy boy actually asks you out and the two of you start dating, at least from my experience. If I haven’t scared you off by this point, then here’s what you should do: Tell him. Shy boys hardly ever pick up on the small subtle hints a girl throws at him, and if he does, he definitely doesn’t make it obvious. Telling him how you truly feel often asks the boy to commit, therefore finding out whether he’s serious about you. If you’re too scared for that, which is fine, I would casually bring it up to his friends so they can “casually” bring it up to him. The problem with this strategy is that it can quickly turn into one of the three situations I brought up at the beginning. Honestly, there’s not a lot you can do about crushing on a shy boy; they’re a rare type of species that are still unexplainable to this day. Pray for the best, but don’t pine over him: you’re too good for that.
Well, when it comes to normal, non-shy boys you usually just have to play hard to get in order to gain his attention, however, a shy guy doesn’t respond well to that kind of approach. There’s a very particular step-by-step process in gaining the attention of a man on the meeker side.
First, you need to get to know him a little better and figure out his interests, but you can’t just approach him out of nowhere asking a ton of questions! That would scare him off. Instead, casually implant yourself into his friend group. That way, you will ultimately get to know him through his friends and the casual hang outs you all have together. As an added bonus, once you and this shy guy start dating, you’ll already be best friends with his friend group and he will constantly feel pressured to stay in the relationship in order to keep the peace!
The next step of the process is to consistently show up at the places you know he will be. To do this appropriately, you have to have his schedule memorized. Know where all his classes are, when they begin and end, know what time he usually grabs lunch and dinner, know where he attends church and which service he prefers to go to, and have your friends text you if they ever spot him on or off campus. The key to this step is not giving yourself away! Always act like you had absolutely no idea that he would be here! This way, he’s forced to pay attention to you.
The last and final step is guaranteed to seal the deal. We all know the old wise tale about couples who walk under the bell tower. It basically says, if a boy and a girl walk under Union’s bell tower together then they are destined to someday get married. After following the first two steps, you basically will have yourself a boyfriend. However, in order to keep this shy guy’s attention, you have to walk under that bell tower with him. Once you’ve completed the last task, this fella knows there’s no turning back, and his eyes will forever be on you.
We’ve all been promised it, haven’t we? As soon as we become a Union student, we’ll meet the man of our dreams, fall in love and be married before we graduate, if not soon after. But then you find out two things after your first week here: 1. There are hardly any guys at Union and 2. The few that are here usually act like they’ve either never seen a girl in their lives or are so “focused on God’s calling” that they don’t remember what a girl is and you want to yell “IT ISN’T GOOD FOR MAN TO BE ALONE. God’s words, not mine.” I feel you girl. We all feel you. But still you catch his eye in Barefoot’s and you fall right back into it, that day-dreamy trance, and it starts all over again. Maybe you just need to try a few new things to catch his attention.
As you’re sitting there in Barefoot’s, put in your earbuds and start blaring “Sadie Hawkins Dance” by Relient K before approaching him yourself. If you’ve never heard this song, it’s about a girl asking a guy to a school dance, and the guy is clearly very excited about it, so why wouldn’t your wallflower be excited as well? Every man loves a confident woman. This tactic is sure to get you pumped to boldly go where no woman has gone before. Just remember to take out your earbuds first.
However, if you’re not the type of girl who asks a guy out, then here’s your secret weapon: Get him to come over to you by simply moving your daily Bible Study to Barefoot’s when said cute, shy guy is typically there. This might do the trick all on its own, as a woman in the Word of God is like catnip for guys at Union. Absolutely irresistible.
Editor’s Note: Cardinal and Cream takes no responsibility for any failed relationships, or any felony charges which result from following any advice.
Legitimate question: is this satire? Because all this advice is horribly manipulative and shallow. This is not the quality content I expect from the C&C, even in a perspective column.