At Wednesday’s chapel, the student body commissioned the GO Trip teams that will be gone over Spring Break.
Chapel attendees prayed over those who are going to be ministering in cities across the nation and in Honduras over the next week.
“This is a community thing. We are sending our own out,” said senior intercultural studies major, Anderson Underwood, who opened chapel.
One member from each of the five different GO Trip teams approached the front at different times and shared the prayer requests and concerns that their team had. The students in attendance then joined together in pairs and lifted these requests in prayer.
“We are here because our university is committed to serving the Lord,” said junior business management major Stephen Neu.
This was evidenced by the fact that whispers of prayer could be heard all around the room throughout chapel as students prayed for their friends and classmates.
A common request of each group was for people to pray that the hearts of those they minister to will be open to hearing the Gospel, and that God will equip the team to handle whatever they may face.
Over the next few days, teams will be serving in Tampa, Fla., Boston, Mass., Louisville, Ky., the University of Connecticut, and Honduras. Each team will work with either a local church or a nonprofit organization in the city. The team going to Honduras will be working at Orphanage Emmanuel.
The teams have between eight and 10 people on them, except for the Honduras team which is a group of about 20 people.