The turn of the year saw the exit of the 2016 SGA executive council and the introduction of the council of 2017. With the notable exception of SGA President Trenton Holloway, who served as Treasurer last year, there are no returning members to the Executive Council.
With the impending return of Senate, there are questions about how this high turnover and fresh crew on the council may approach these biweekly student gatherings.
Matthew Grove, SGA Vice-President and Speaker of Senate, said he would like to see a more involved campus.
“The main thing I want All-Staff to encourage other organizations to get more involved. The way things are right now it is only class councils that present legislation,” Grove said.
Senior Class Vice-President Katherine Caid echoed Grove’s sentiments toward legislation.
“A common misconception is that only class councils can do this. However, any organization that is a part of senate can present bills about changes they’d like to see on campus,” Caid said.
Grove offered his own thoughts on the current state of things.
“I think Senate has become a chore for most senators. They come because their organization elected them, but beyond that they don’t see the full impact,” Grove said.
For both Grove and Caid, this impact is the promotion of the students’ opinions and views.
“I think the purpose of senate is to give students a voice and provide them a way to contact administration about changes they want to be made on campus,” Caid said.
Grove also expressed a desire to see this purpose restored.
“Once from the top down, from executive down to class councils are taking Senate seriously, that will go down to other senators and people will see that this is an important aspect of our campus life to make things happen. “
Student Senate returns Wednesday, February 15th at 9:30 p.m. in Harvey Hall, located in the Student Union Building. Senate will meet biweekly throughout the entire semester.