My childhood consisted of playing Tony Hawk’s Underground and pretending to skate the mini-ramp at my best friend Jake’s house. Our moms would do everything but surround us in bubble wrap before we went outside and played. Of course, the helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, and other “uncool” protective gear were shed off our bodies in a matter of seconds.
Since then, I’ve not only had a special place in my heart for Tony Hawk, but I’ve loved the culture of skating. Granted, I am totally inept at skating. It is not a gift that God gave me, but I like to pretend that I am good (read: poser).
Naturally, I stumbled upon a series on YouTube by Viceland called “Epically Later’d.” Before I knew what was happening I clicked on the video and was 15 minutes into a documentary about Bam Margera’s skate life.
The series documents the lives of skaters from the 90’s and early 2000’s. The show has covered names like Jason Dill, Chad Muska, Kevin “Spanky” Long, and my personal favorite, Elissa Steamer. Even though they never did an episode on Tony Hawk, which I am mad about, it is one of my favorite shows.
“Epically Later’d” showcases the artists at their peak as well as their lives now. Plus, it has a totally rad name.
Disclaimer: The show talks about and shows scenes of drug abuse. If those topics make you uncomfortable, I would be careful.
However, if you love skate culture as much as I do, watch it. The only regret you will have is binge watching it instead of doing homework.
If it has not become obvious yet, the mid 80’s to the early 2000’s is by far my favorite era. Bon Jovi, Blink 182, and Iron Maiden are on my everyday playlist. I’ve dyed my hair purple, have several piercings, and wear a lot of dark colors. I may or may not have had an emo phase back in the day too with four feathers in my hair.
No, I will not show any pictures so don’t ask for one if you see me.
Rock and Roll has been in my life for as long as I can remember. If my mom was not listening to Alan Jackson, then it was Led Zeppelin. My dad always played Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Rush.
Obviously by now, you have probably gathered that I’m pretty basic when it comes to the “alternative” scene. Because of that, I love anything Nirvana. 15-year-old me owned most of their albums and listened to the band religiously.
I also happen to love conspiracy theories. As soon as I saw the trailer for the movie Soaked In Bleach, I dropped everything and watched it.
The movie is about Kurt Cobain’s suicide and the conspiracy surrounding it. The film does a fantastic job of showing arguments from both sides and what the evidence provided means for both. It incorporates both footage from Nirvana, photos of the crime scene that were released, and interviews from friends.
“Soaked In Bleach” provides a thought provoking message and has an underlying theme of not taking everything that is said to you at face-value.
Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching and if you are like me and want something new and unique to watch, these two films provide an entertaining and new perspective on past cultures.