SGA held its third senate meeting of the semester on Wednesday, Oct. 3 in Harvey Hall. The session began with Dr. Dub Oliver encouraging students and answering questions and concluded without any long debates over the bill and resolution presented.
As Oliver began speaking to the student senate, he told students of his profound gratitude for them as they serve. He then went on to share some plans for the university.
“A little birdie told me I was supposed to talk to you about the core curriculum,” said Oliver.
Oliver explained that as a part of the strategic plan that is in place, the university’s core curriculum is under review and revision. After a period of assessment, a core revision task team with representatives from every academic unit is defining a conceptual framework from which to re-evaluate and refresh the university’s core curriculum.
Acknowledging that sessions such as this one go better when the students ask him questions, Oliver then opened the floor for questions from the students.
During this time, Oliver told student leaders of his hopes to renovate both Harvey Hall and the chapel space. He also addressed the future for both the engineering space and wellness center, saying that both of these projects are ready to go and are only waiting on funding.
After this, Oliver responded to a question with his piece of leadership advice.
“If you’re going to do one thing, and one thing only, it is to read the Bible every day,” Oliver said.
He reminded students that the Bible has something to do with everything.
Oliver further encouraged student leaders to be intentional with the leadership patterns they are developing now.
Finally, Oliver spoke to the university’s challenges and opportunities in the upcoming year.
“Our biggest challenge is just the cost,” Oliver said. “It’s a big enterprise especially with the way we do it.”
He said that with Union University’s small student-to-faculty ratio, keeping costs manageable is both a challenge and an opportunity.
Oliver ended the time of questions and answers abruptly, gaining some laughter from the senate body.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Oliver said. “Thank you very much.”
After Oliver’s time sharing with the senate body, the rest of the session went on as normal. Bills and resolutions were passed particularly rapidly, and the session was adjourned in less than an hour after it had begun.
The senate quickly passed a bill to allocate $200 “to Union University Jillz for the use of tournament bid fees and other team expenses.”
Next the senate passed a resolution “asking the university to provide an additional printing location” in the Student Union Building. There was short discussion surrounding this resolution, but it was also passed without much delay.
Before adjourning the session, student organization senators voted for Homecoming’s Mr. and Miss Union, listened to updates and heard organization announcements.
“I greatly appreciate the care which [Dr. Oliver] showed to the student body,” said Samuel Sadler, sophomore creative writing major. “He spoke with grace and humor, discussing plans for Union and answering questions.”
Josiah McGee, SGA vice president and senior international relations major, said that having Oliver at the senate meeting was special because it sends a message to students that the administration really cares about the student government and its role as well as the student body as a whole.
“It’s not something we take for granted,” McGee said. “It’s actually very unique.”
Photo by Tamara Friesen