Mark Bolyard, professor of biology and department chair, will be speaking in chapel on Wednesday, Nov. 28, as Union University’s faculty of the year.
“The faculty of the year chapel address is a relatively new but very important tradition at Union University,” said John Netland, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “These talks give the entire Union community a deeper understanding of how our faith in God informs our work and, indeed, our entire lives.”
Bolyard said that he was surprised when he received this award.
“It means a lot because I know a number of the people who have been named [faculty of the year] in the past,” Bolyard said. “It is an honor to be in their company.”
Bolyard said that this honor is a particular privilege because it is not just a “teacher of the year” award, but it recognizes all of the different aspects of what it means to be a faculty member.
Bolyard was teaching at a state university when he became a Christian, but over the last 12 years of being at Union University, he has been learning what it means to be a Christ-centered faculty member.
“Dr. Bolyard is a highly accomplished faculty member who excels in the classroom, who is a great research mentor for students and who has provided visionary leadership for the Department of Biology,” Netland said.
Bolyard believes that Union has provided a unique setting for him to do his work in.
“It’s been a great opportunity to be Christ-centered and excellence-driven at the same time,” Bolyard said.
During his years at Union, Bolyard has been able to build relationships with students and make connections between Christ and creation both for himself and for his students.
In the faculty of the year chapel service, Bolyard hopes to help the Union student body make some of these connections.
“I think it’s a great opportunity to expose people to aspects of biology that people haven’t thought about before,” Bolyard said.
“This particular chapel gives students the opportunity to hear what God is doing in and through the life of one of our faculty leaders,” Netland said. “Dr. Bolyard’s students get to hear from him regularly. This is the chance for the rest of the student body to hear from him.”
Bolyard did not want to reveal too much of what he would be speaking about at Wednesday’s chapel service and said that he wanted to leave some surprises.
“I want to talk about creation maybe in a way that they’re not expecting,” Bolyard said. “I want to talk about biology as evangelism.”
Bolyard recognizes that he is at Union as a faculty member in order to impact the lives of students, so he plans to speak more broadly than just biology by making connections for students of any major.
“I hope they’ll come and think about how these things apply to them,” Bolyard said.
Students and faculty members at Union notice Bolyard’s passion for helping students from any major or background make the connections he has made.
“I particularly appreciate his continued commitment to teaching introductory students in our core classes and to helping non-majors develop an interest and a passion for biology,” Netland said.
Bolyard said that he is a part of a fantastic department and acknowledges that his colleagues have played a significant role in his receiving this award. He also said that he wanted to thank administration for providing the resources that have allowed him to engage students in scholarship.
In this week’s faculty of the year chapel, the Union student body will be given a unique opportunity to hear from Bolyard as he speaks about things bigger than biology.
“Dr. Bolyard is a serious Christian who seamlessly integrates his life with his faith,” said Hunter Baker, a professor of political science and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “Any time a young person has the opportunity to hear the thoughts of a person whose life reflects the lordship of Jesus Christ, there is real benefit to be had.”
Photo Courtesy of Kristi McMurry Woody