This is a guest article written by Ben Johnson, junior marketing major.
2018 gave us songs about heartbreak, euphoria, self-love, self-hate, childhood, aging, anxiety, boredom and getting dumped at Taco Bell (if you don’t believe me, listen to “Friends” by Sure Sure). That said, I am an extremely indecisive human being, and the thought of trying to pick “the best” songs of 2018 is daunting. However, I’ve done my best to compile a somewhat exhaustive and intentionally ordered (don’t press shuffle, you heathen) playlist for all of you good Unionites (aYo bUlLdoGs).
One quick disclaimer: I probably left plenty of good songs off the list, so please talk to me and share all the good music (our school has like 12 people, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find me).