Passages Israel: Encountering Their Faith Firsthand

Passages Israel allows college students to take a trip of a lifetime to Israel over the course of 10 days. On this trip, students will encounter sites and experiences that occurred in Biblical times that they have read or learned about in class leading up to the trip.

Passages’ goal is to take students to Israel so that they are able to see the real, modern-day Israel and understand its unique story and history. We often think of Israel in just a Biblical context, when in reality, the country is dealing with multiple modern-day conflicts, such as governmental strife and economic and security issues. On this trip, students are able to catch a glimpse of the present and the past.

With only 40 spots available, those accepted will be in Israel May 19-29, 2019. The travel costs are $600 plus the price to get to the domestic travel site. Since the international flight is paid for, the overall cost will be around $1,000.

There are courses offered in the April accelerated term that go alongside this trip such as Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey and Biblical Background. The courses are not required but are encouraged, as most of the students going on the trip will have taken one or more of the courses offered.

Dr. Mark Dubis, professor of Biblical studies, and Bryan Carrier, dean of students, will be the faculty representatives on the trip.

“I encourage students to consider this trip,” Dubis said. “It is a time where you are able to explore ancient Biblical sites as well as the modern geo-political context of Israel.”

While on the trip, students can expect to participate in activities such as visits to foundational Biblical sites, a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, a trip to Nazareth and visits to Hezekiah’s tunnels and the Temple Mount.

Senior public relations major, Elise Kolterman, went on the Passages Israel trip over the summer of 2018.

“I fell in love with Israel and its people,” she said. “Passages had given me a way to see the Bible come to life, to take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, to feel the presence of the Lord and to see the land where my salvation came to be.”

A trip such as this one doesn’t come without challenges, particularly spiritual ones.

“I don’t want to discourage students from going to Israel, but I want to encourage them to prepare their hearts and to pray about whether they will be able to continuously pray for the Jews who still live in a world of exile,” Kolterman said. “To pray that the Lord will continue to work through Passages to help bring light to the darkness that surrounds those people.”

The deadline to apply is October 15 at midnight. If you are interested in applying, you can email Mark Dubis at You will be added to a mailing list to receive more information as well as a link to apply.

Photos by Mattanah DeWitt