The second Senate session of the semester convened in Harvey Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 21, promptly at 9:30 p.m., passing four pieces of legislation and introducing a new check-in attendance system.
The new attendance system, an electronic check-in process outside Harvey Hall, was implemented at 9:12 p.m. This system requires each specific senator to sign in, preventing others from standing in for them for reasons other than legitimate excused absences. This is also expected to allow the Senate processions to move more smoothly and quickly.
The session started as Brandon Harper opened with a reading of scripture and an Augustan prayer.
SGA Treasurer Madeline Fleming was welcomed on stage, informing the Senate body that $2,200 was left in the budget for organizations.
Following this, SGA Clerk Kyle Souleyrette read the proposed legislations, in a unsettling accurate Gone-With-the-Wind Southern drawl.
The first piece of legislation presented was a bill allocating $200 to PRSSA to fund their trip to St. Louis, which was met with growing applause and rousing support from Ted Murphy, who told Senators “I have a lot of friends in PRSSA…PRSSA is fantastic!” This bill was passed with little debate.
The second piece of legislation was a bill asking for $200 to be given to the UU Garden Club for costs of improving the on-campus garden. Their senator, Haeun Shim, spoke on how this money would make the garden more enjoyable, which would ultimately bring new members. This bill was passed with hearty applause.
Next was a resolution asking that the university would remove an obstructive parking spot by Warmath housing. The senators presenting were prepared, as seen by their use of an aerial map of the location and a circle marking the parking “spot” in question. SGA Chaplain Brandon Harper affirmed this resolution, saying, “My wife and I live in Warmath and we deal with that everyday. We support this.” This bill was passed with only four opposing.
The last legislation was another resolution, this time asking that the university would provide a walkway behind the Lex and Grant Center. The spot in question is an area of grass 10-15 feet long that separates the sidewalk from the asphalt by the SUB cafeteria truck dock. This bill was passed with majority votes.
SGA Treasurer Madeline Fleming gave her final report and informed the Senate body that $1,800 was left in the budget. “Use it wisely, thank you,” she said.
SGA Vice President Josiah McGee welcomed student-led organizations to present if they were able. SAC President Abigail Johnson took the stage and reminded everyone that Bingo Night was on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 8 p.m. and that Variety Show was quickly approaching and that those who wanted to participate should contact Melanie Davis, who is in charge of the event. Other upcoming events include Cardinal Ball, which will be held at White Oak Farms on March 16th from 7:30-10:30 p.m. (tickets are $10), and a SLE “Dine and Discuss” dinner led by Bo Mantooth and guest speaker Eugene Brandt on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 6 p.m.
McGee banged his gavel with finality and adjourned Senate ten minutes early.