SR Education Group, a leading education research publisher, recently updated its website with the most affordable online colleges for 2018, naming Union University number 20th on the list of online programs offering doctoral degrees.
The SR Education Group manually researched over 1,000 colleges, creating four separate lists that highlight the 25 most cost-effective online programs by degree level, as well as affordability.
“We go to individual school websites and find the tuition based on online statuses and calculate them through the school’s information and use the National Center for Education statistics for schools that offer accredited online programs,” said Kelsey D’Ewart, representative of SR Education Group.
Colleges must offer at least five online bachelor’s and five online master’s degrees to be eligible for the overall list, which takes into account both undergraduate and graduate tuition rates. A total of 104 schools are represented in the lists that include the top 25 colleges at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree levels. Colleges were required to offer at least ten fully online degrees at that level, except for the doctoral list, which only required three fully online degrees.
Among Union University, other private Christian schools were listed, such as Liberty University and Bethel University.
“It seems to be a pretty common theme,” said D’Ewart. “[They] are really making an effort to be affordable for students.”
Students of the online program at Union agree that it is convenient for their lifestyles to learn online, while still getting the benefits of a higher-level education.
“It’s extremely convenient,” said Sydney Miller, a student currently taking online classes with Union. “I plan to take online classes with Union in the future as well.”
Union’s annual tuition rate is $9,300 with five total online doctoral degrees.
Photo courtesy of Kristi McMurry Woody