This weekend, Sept. 28-29, Union University will be hosting Family Weekend, a time when all current students’ families are invited to campus to get an inside look at college life at Union. Throughout the weekend, there will be events such as a family cookout, a movie on the lawn, fireworks and so much more.
“Family Weekend is one of my favorite events at Union,” said Ken Litscher, dean of student life. “After 6 weeks of plugging away at classes, we invite families to come back to Union and see how their students are doing and what they’ve been involved in.”
The weekend kicks off on Friday, Sept. 28, with Day at the U, a time for prospective students and families to get a closer look at Union. Current students will continue with their regular schedules, so prospective students can see how an average college day functions. Included in the events of Day at the U, students and their families can attend chapel as well as workshops for studying abroad and GO Trips.
There will be other activities throughout the day for current students and their siblings, such as a sibling and prospective student session in the library.
On Friday night, the ladies of Chi Omega will be hosting a cookout benefitting their philanthropy, the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Tickets are required and can be bought online or through a member of Chi Omega. Tickets are $10 each, with $5 going directly to the Make-A-Wish foundation. With this money, Chi Omega is able to partner with Make-A-Wish and grant wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses.
“The Make-A-Wish Cookout is an annual event that allows us to raise money to help grant wishes for kids,” said Kristen Chance, a senior marketing major and Chi Omega’s philanthropy chair. “Last year’s event helped us raise nearly $4,000, which is about 75 percent of the money needed to fully fund a wish.”
After the cookout, the Student Activities Council will be hosting their Movie on the Lawn event. SAC will be showing “The Incredibles 2″ at 8 p.m. in the Watters quad and will be serving cotton candy and popcorn.
Following the movie, current students’ siblings are allowed to spend the night with them in their dorm room.
“On Friday, we hope to give our families a taste of what a weekend looks like at Union with Movie on the Lawn,” said Jordan Hall, assistant director of student leadership and engagement.
On Saturday morning, Sept. 29, Union will be hosting a Union Trails Run/Roll/Dash at 8 a.m. This event includes a 3-mile trail run/walk, a 1.5-mile beginner’s/kids mountain bike trail and a 6.5-mile mountain bike trail.
At 10 a.m., a President’s Brunch with Dr. Dub will be held in the Carl Grant Events Center, with advance tickets required. Following the brunch, a corn hole tournament will be held in the Grace quad, and a Union Jaxx ultimate frisbee game vs. Vanderbilt University will be played at 3 p.m. at the soccer field.
To close out the night, SAC will hold their annual Union Night event on the great lawn, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
During this time, various campus organizations will have tables set up on the great lawn, along with food trucks, fun activities and an environment for friends and families to gather together and enjoy the weekend.
“Saturday, SAC is excited to be a part of Union Night,” Hall said. “It’s a great way to showcase some of the many opportunities our students have to get involved. It’s a glimpse of the Union experience in a short weekend!”