There is no doubt that if you’ve been on Union’s campus for long, you have come to realize that we celebrate a number of traditions. Whether it is Welcome Week for incoming freshmen and transfers, Greek Olympics for the campus fraternities and sororities, or even Dr. Dub’s sharing a Christmas story in Heritage every December, there are activities that happen all throughout the year. However, one of the longest and arguably most popular traditions is the Student Activities Council’s (SAC) annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center in downtown Jackson.
“Variety Show is a glorified talent show,” Aimee Brassart, assistant director for Student Leadership and Engagement at Union explained. “It is a great outlet for students to showcase creativity and their talents.”
The talents showcased at Variety Show are always impressive and entertaining, ranging from small and large group dancing, as well as singing, acting and many other forms of creativity. However, the most rewarding aspects of participating in the performance are the experiences and relationships gained from performing with others around you.
“My favorite thing about Variety Show is being able to connect with people in your own organization, and also getting the opportunity to interact with the other organizations on campus,” Chandler Bell, senior marketing major and director of Lambda Chi Alpha’s show, said. “You get to celebrate people you don’t normally know.”
Celebrating others is a big part of Variety Show’s experience. While it is true that each group performing wants to take home the win for their organization, the competiveness does not make for a negative atmosphere. All week, the groups have been practicing their routines in front of one another, and cheers and applause always fill the air from the spectating groups, even when their competition is performing.
“We are a part of something magical, beautiful, and fun, creating memories that will last for a lifetime,” Madeline Fleming, sophomore public relations major, said. “If you are considering being a part of Variety Show next year, do it!”
Variety Show will be held at the Carl Perkins Civic Center on Saturday, April 14 at 7 p.m. Tickets for the show are $10 for all student, faculty and staff, and $15 for non-students, faculty and staff. Tickets can be bought outside Brewer Dining Hall until Friday and will also be sold at the door.