There’s a new phenomenon sweeping campus, and you can find it in Cobo. Yes, you read correctly: our very own Cobo.
This semester, returning students wandered into Cobo, expecting to be greeted by the familiar: burgers, a salad bar and reliable Cobo Joe. While all of these things could be found, something new also greeted us: the Toast Bar.
It might not sound exciting at first. You might wonder why someone would get so excited about toast. After all, it’s just bread and butter, right?
Well, my friend, let me enlighten you. Imagine that you walk into dinner one night, hungry and expectant, only to find fish at the Homestyle bar and burgers at the Grill (again). You glance at the taco bar to save you, but you can only eat a taco bowl so many times during the week before it’s too much. You’re about to give up and walk over to the pizza line, but a flash of light catches your eye, and you look over to see light reflecting off of the gleaming surface of a toaster. Intrigued, you walk over and discover a whole array of breads, spreads, fruit and veggies. The possibilities are endless, and you set to making an artistic creation that both satisfies your hunger and the nagging voice in the back of your mind that tells you that you really shouldn’t eat pizza again.
I met four students for breakfast this week who are known for their love of the Toast Bar. I only had one request—that they make me some of their best creations—and they happily obliged.
First up is Natalie Stookey, a sophomore ministry and missions major. Stookey has been a major Toast Bar enthusiast since the beginning of the semester and has made it her mission to convert the rest of campus. So far, she’s actually been pretty successful, converting her roommates, friends and people she meets on the way to Cobo. While we sat around a table, eating toast and talking, she said she actually likes to think of her converts as disciples because then those people go out and convert others. If the Toast Bar is starting to sound like a sacred thing to her, you might not be far from the truth. Stookey made two different kinds of toast.
[media-credit id=5337 align=”alignnone” width=”410″][/media-credit]
Left: Veggie Yum
Right: Fruit Yummmm
Creamy almond butter, not “the wacky one”
A drizzle of honey
Cate Price|Cardinal & Cream
Cate Price|Cardinal & Cream
Next, we have Caleb Simpson, a junior philosophy major. Simpson transferred to Union this fall, so he’s never known a Cobo without the Toast Bar. But one of the things he prides himself on is bringing about the change he wanted to see in the Toast Bar. When Simpson first made toast, he was pleased with the options but thought there needed to be more spices, which he brought to Dining Services’ attention. The next day, he walked in and was pleased to find a whole array of spices at his fingertips. Simpson advises any Toast Bar newbie to really take in his or her surroundings and use what is available. Go to the salad bar and use toppings from there or the taco bar. There is a whole world of flavor there for the taking. Simpson also made two different kinds of toast, and he really focused on both taste and presentation.
[media-credit id=5337 align=”alignnone” width=”410″][/media-credit]
The Hopeful Morning
Put a sprinkling of cinnamon on the toast first
One banana chopped into smaller pieces
A second sprinkling of cinnamon
Whipped cream
[media-credit id=5337 align=”alignnone” width=”410″][/media-credit]
The Procrastinator
Garlic cream cheese
Flax seed
A single tomato
Next up is Allison Schiebout, a sophomore biology and English double major. Stookey claims that Schiebout was one of her first converts, and Schiebout has been a faithful regular of the Toast Bar since. After eating her toast, Schiebout commented, “It feels good to be sustained.” Schiebout titled her toasts “The Hunter” and “The Gatherer,” which are two sides of the same coin. “The Hunter” focuses on meat while “The Gatherer” focuses on more nutty flavors and fruits of the earth.
[media-credit id=5337 align=”alignnone” width=”410″][/media-credit]
Left: The Hunter
Sausage link
Small particles of bacon
Right: The Gatherer
Hazelnut butter (more commonly known as Nutella, but according to Schiebout that name does not fit the mood of the toast)
Almond butter
Exactly 2 blueberries
4 quartered bits of strawberries (which amounts to 1 whole strawberry)
Last, but not least, is Jake Guyette, a sophomore business administration major with a focus in economics. Guyette is another one of Stookey’s converts. Apparently, one day, Stookey stopped at the table Guyette was sitting at in front of Cobo. She rather passionately told Guyette to try the Toast Bar next time he was in Cobo. Perhaps fearing for his life, Guyette obeyed this command and made toast. His eyes were opened to new possibilities and deliciousness, and he hasn’t looked back. Guyette’s toast, though perhaps more simple than the others, was beautiful in its simplicity. Guyette named this toast after the beloved Dr. Green, professor of theological studies, who, according to Guyette, refers to Guyette as “his homeboy.” Guyette likes to say that there are no two people more alike than Dr. Green and himself.
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The Dr. Green Special
Olive Oil
Here is some parting advice from Simpson and Guyette:
Simpson: “I personally think if you’re on a premarital fellowship encounter (also known as a date), you should make a girl toast like this [referring to his own toast].”
Guyette: “I am not a cheap person by any means, but if a young lady said she wanted to go to the Toast Bar, I’d be down.”
Will the Toast Bar be the next top dating spot? Who can say? But I do know that if you walk into Cobo, there’s a good chance you’ll see one of these four hanging out at the Toast Bar, experimenting and making unimaginable advances in the culinary arts.
So here is one final parting word, from myself and from these toast experts: go to the Toast Bar the next time you’re in Cobo. It just might change your life.