On Monday, Feb. 11, Res Life presented a seminar called Adulting 101: Health and Wellness in Harvey Hall with Jonny Wilson, Union University’s campus recreation director. Wilson focused on healthy eating habits, stress management and the importance of sleep for college students.
As a recent Union alumnus, Wilson was able to relate to the students about the struggles of trying to live a healthy lifestyle while being a college student. After going through the broad overview of nutrients, Wilson then discussed ways to manage stress, while also emphasizing the importance of sleep in students.
Wilson approached these topics in a realistic way, and his methods focused on the long-term results, rather than short-term satisfaction.
Instead of promoting fads or restrictive diets, he introduced a more healthy way of thinking and promoted the importance of having a healthy relationship with food. By helping students understand what they put in their bodies, Wilson showed them that there is still a way to enjoy the foods you like, while also maintaining a healthy body and mind.
Carson Cook, a junior pharmacy major and women’s quad resident advisor, attended the health and fitness seminar.
“I liked how it focused on how to be an overall healthy human, not just giving you a list of what you should and should not eat,” Cook said. “He really emphasized how high-stress environments and lack of sleep really does affect your overall health, which is something to think about since both of those are something college students deal with regularly. What he talked about seems more manageable, and a small first step to living a healthier lifestyle that does not only revolve around food.”
In conclusion, Wilson again emphasized to students that eating right and eating foods they enjoy go hand in hand.
”Food is a gift from the Lord. He wants us to steward it and enjoy it,” Wilson said.