Beginning this fall, a Bible study associated with Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) has started to meet on Union University’s campus.
Bible Study Fellowship has groups in 70 countries and focuses on providing a space for people to spend time in God’s word together. There are studies for both men and women, and its mission, according to its website, is “global, in-depth Bible classes producing passionate commitment to Christ, His Word and His Church. Our vision is to magnify God and mature His people as they cultivate a deeper relationship with Him.”
“I really learned to love and study my Bible through my involvement in BSF in Michigan,” said Ted Kluck, professor of journalism at Union and member of a men’s group of BSF when he lived in Michigan. “And I love being able to do the studies alongside my wife here in Jackson. We read together, connect over it each morning and really experience a lot of joy studying the Word together.”
The group meeting on Union’s campus is a women’s Bible study, and it meets in BAC 87 from 9:30-11:15 a.m. on Thursdays. For the fall semester, they are going through Acts and the letters of the Apostles.
They will also have a winter semester that starts in January. They meet once a week to discuss the lesson in person and to watch a lecture given in Knoxville earlier in the week.
Susan Foubert, one of the Bible study leaders, encourages both Union students and faculty to come and participate.
“I find that studying God’s Word brings unity,” said Foubert.
Kluck is also hopeful about the presence of BSF on campus.
“My hope and prayer has been for a revival on our campus, involving true heart change, conviction, repentance and the joy that comes with experiencing God’s grace,” said Kluck.
For more information about BSF, go to: https://www.bsfinternational.org/.