James Huggins’ Biome-hosted lecture, “The Anatomy of the Crucifixion,” in which he discussed what Jesus physically endured on the cross, brought students and community members together in PAC D-3 on April 18 at 6 p.m.
Huggins, professor of biology, has taught at Union for over 30 years. He also accepted the call to preach at age 54 and is currently a local pastor.
Huggins has given this lecture, sponsored by Biologists In Observation of The Master’s Earth (Biome), for several years. Attendees are continually impacted after hearing the reality of the crucifixion.
Rachel Hickle, senior biology major and president of Biome, discussed what the lecture has meant to her over the last four years.
“Christ’s suffering on the cross helps us to understand the reality of the incarnation,” Hickle said. “Jesus had a physical body just like us, so we are able to imagine the true pain and suffering He endured for our salvation.”
The lecture began with Huggins mentioning works concerning crucifixion that were written by philosophers and historians such as Seneca, Pliny the Younger and Flavius Josephus.
Huggins detailed the journey of Jesus throughout his Passion – his last days between the triumphal entry and the crucifixion. As he recounted Jesus’ final hours, Huggins began to describe what physical torment Jesus endured.
Huggins explained the way Jesus was beaten and tortured by giving examples of torture devices and how they were used. For example, he showed a picture of a flagrum, several leather strips laden with pieces of bone, rock and glass attached to a handle, that was used to whip and left “quivering ribbons of flesh” on the back and legs.
After discussing the night before Christ’s crucifixion, Huggins followed the Savior up to Golgotha and described what happened on the cross. Huggins provided a list of possible contributing reasons for Jesus’ death, such as hematohidrosis, a condition in which blood vessels burst and leak into the sweat glands as a result of extreme stress; asphyxiation, or dying from lack of oxygen; and hypotension, or low blood pressure. He went on to explain that heart attack was more than likely what physically killed Jesus.
The physical reason for Christ’s death is debated, but Huggins revealed the true reason Jesus died on the cross.
“What really killed Jesus?” Huggins said. “What really killed Jesus? I did. I did, and if you belong to Him, you did, too.”