It’s a sunny January day and unusually warm for this time of year. Since this kind of day is rare, my sisters and I decide to take advantage of it and go to the ballpark to practice softball. We gather all our gear and throw it in the back of my red Nissan Altima. I start the car, and my middle sister, Esther, automatically reaches for the radio to do her customary “DJing.”
“Let’s listen to Skillet,” I say enthusiastically.
Esther and I had been to a youth conference a few days prior, and Skillet, a well-known Christian rock group, was one of the bands there. Esther had decided to buy a CD of their most recent album “Victorious” as a souvenir.
Esther and even Abigail, the youngest of us three, are as excited as I am to listen to the CD. Esther hits the button and cranks the volume up as loud as we can stand it. The sides of the car beat with the music, and I wonder if the people outside can hear it.
Skillet has been one of my favorite bands for a long time. As a Christian, I like traditional hymns and well-known Christian artists such as Casting Crowns, but I also like hard rock. There aren’t many Christian rock bands out there, but Skillet is a group that’s not concerned with fitting into the mold of the music industry. Skillets combines hard rock with the Christian faith, and they do it extremely well. Even people who aren’t Christians can find a reason to like their songs, and in listening to their songs, they are being exposed to the truth of Christ whether they realize it or not.
I love all of Skillet’s work, but “Victorious” is definitely my favorite album thus far. Every song on the project is powerful. Each one speaks to a different spot in life that just about everyone will experience in their lifetime.
“Legendary” and “You Ain’t Ready for Me,” the first two tracks on the album, are empowering songs. They make you feel as if you can do anything through Christ. “Legendary” speaks about pushing through adversity to achieve your goals. “You Ain’t Ready for Me” is the Christian’s shout out to the world that nothing will stand in their way. The proclamations made in these two songs are the underlying anthem of the album.
“Anchor,” which is the tenth song on the album, is a song that speaks to those who may be going through a rough spot. Its composition and lyrics provide a break from the traditional rock that makes up most of the album. This song truly soothes my soul. It reminds me that God will always be the One that grounds me and keeps me from drowning in the wild sea of the world. It reminds me that God is the One who will walk alongside me and help me achieve my goals. He gives me the courage to walk into the world knowing that nothing, and no one can separate me from His love.
As we ride down the road to the softball field, I ask Esther to put on “This Is the Kingdom,” the fourth song on the album. I picked this song to be my walkup song for this year’s softball season. The part I chose to play shouts out, “We stand together, together, one heart, one voice, one name!” Skillet makes sure to place an emphasis, especially through this song, on the idea that Christians are meant to be in community with one another. We draw strength not only from God but also from each other.
To some, Skillet is just another rock band, but to me, they are so much more than that. They provide clean, Christian rock for me to listen to. Their songs not only pump me up before softball games but also provide peace and comfort during times of need. They are the complete package.
As we pull up to the softball field, we finish jamming out to the final words of one of the songs. I turn the car off, and we start unloading our gear. I am honestly looking forward to getting back in the car after we practice to listen to the album some more.
Even now, almost two months since getting the CD, “Victorious” is basically all I listen to in my car. After listening to the songs as many times as I have, you would think I would be burnt out, but I’m not. Every time I listen to them, they excite me and uplift me as much as they did the first time I heard them. I hope that it continues to be that way and that everyone can experience the joy this album has provided for me.