2020 marks a new year, a new decade. With it comes new goals, new dreams and new chances.
At the beginning of the year, typical resolutions were set. One could read a plethora of tweets stating “New Year, New Decade, New Me.”
I think the new decade made people really excited because they wanted change. They wanted a chance to restart and get things back on track. The thought of an untainted, new decade gave many people the extra measure of resolve they had lacked in resolutions prior.
But after a few short months, time has gotten away from many of us, and goals have been put on the proverbial back burner. “New Me” fell back into “Old Me” habits.
In light of recent events, the global pandemic is drastically affecting the world and much about the future seems uncertain. Tweets are now saying things like “let’s cancel 2020” or “let’s go back to 2019.”
There was one tweet, however, that rose above the rest.
On March 15, Tom Hanks, actor and filmmaker, posted a photo of a stuffed kangaroo holding an Australian flag right next to his breakfast.
“Thanks to the Helpers. Let’s take care of ourselves and each other. Hanx.”
Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were recently diagnosed with the Coronavirus while visiting Australia. They are currently proceeding with their home quarantine after staying at the Gold Coast Hospital in Queensland, Australia. They are doing everything they can in hopes to not let the dreadful virus spread.
The couple has been nothing but positive throughout this life-altering news. In fact, Hanks has been using social media to update the world on both his and his wife’s progress.
Hanks recently played the role of Mr. Rogers in the film “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” based off of the TV show “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Fred Rogers, along with his Helpers, which are stuffed puppets, taught lessons to children on how to deal with crisis. Rogers’ mother always told him that “you’ll always find people helping,” which inspired Rogers to want to help others.
There has been plenty of fear and negativity surrounding this event, and yet, Rogers’ mother was correct.
You can always find people helping.
Hanks is helping others by encouraging the world to do what he and his wife are doing. He’s been taking it “one-day-at-a-time.” His posts have never once shown any sign of discouragement or fear. Instead, he gives hope, throws in some humor and shows the world that we can all do our part in helping one other.
I think this is what we need as a country. This is our chance to be there for our communities despite the differences we may have. Doing our part means staying healthy, washing our hands and encouraging those around us.
This week I have seen several posts on Facebook and Instagram of people offering to help those around them by running their errands, watching their children while parents figure out work and offering to do yard work.
Hanks and his wife actually have something to fear. They actually have the virus. And yet, they have taken this as an opportunity to serve as a positive beacon.
Let’s do the same.
Image courtesy of Creative Commons